#65 Manan from Pakistan: Moving from collective culture to individual culture


Found in Estonia podcast episode 65 with Manan from Pakistan: Moving from collective culture to individual culture

Manan moved to Estonia from Pakistan 8 years ago. He says, he even feels that he didn’t choose Estonia, Estonia chose him. He has an engineering background and he is a content creator on Youtube.

We talk about: 

* Why he was surprised to see female bus drivers in Estonia?
* How to learn the Estonian language through different senses?

* What do individual and collective cultures mean and how easy is it to switch between them?

* Nakedness in Estonia
* Different flavors of silence
* Why are Pakistani people friendlier than Estonians?

Mentions from the episode: 

-> Pakistani food place in Tallinn: Zaiqa Restaurant & Takeaway

-> Manan’s Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/@MananAnwar

Other links to check out: 





Found in Estonia
Found in Estoniahttps://www.foundinestonia.ee
We talk with foreigners who have made Estonia their home. Inspire more open-mindedness by sharing interesting stories and observations that many foreigners with their fresh eyes can offer.

