#40 Olla Abbas from Sudan to Estonia: It’s all about having the right mindset


Found in Estonia podcast episode #40 with Olla Abbas from Sudan!

Get ready to learn how Olla’s growth-oriented mindset works, already within the first 5 minutes of sharing her story! As she has taught herself how to find positive sides from the most annoying experiences with her passport.

Being born and raised in Saudi Arabia with parents from Sudan, having lived years in Malaysia, and now settling in in Estonia – Most certainly means there’s a fascinating mix of stories she’s sharing with us in this episode!

*Her take on comparing Middle Eastern, African, Asian, and European people with each other?

*Why is she so excited about being able to binge on strawberries!? 😄

*What is Sudanese bakhoor?

*Why can’t she keep black bread at home?

*Exclusive insights to the book she is writing 🤫


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Found in Estonia
Found in Estoniahttps://www.foundinestonia.ee
We talk with foreigners who have made Estonia their home. Inspire more open-mindedness by sharing interesting stories and observations that many foreigners with their fresh eyes can offer.

