#31 Daniele Monticelli from Italy to Estonia: Don’t be scared of your basic knowledge of Estonian and try to use it as soon as you can!


Found in Estonia podcast episode #31 with Daniele Monticelli, who is a professor of Italian Studies and Semiotics at Tallinn University. 

  • He has lived in Estonia for more than 25 years 
  • Speaks fluent Estonian
  • Has so many ideas about how to make Estonia from a great place to live even better place to live!
  • Shares his tips for other Estonian expats 
  • And how did he manage to learn the Estonian language without taking any language courses!?

This episode is part of the special Estonian-languaged episode series with foreign guests, who also speak fluent Estonian. So get inspired and listen to the previous episode #30, where we chat with Daniele in Estonian and he shares more of his story, experiences, and thoughts over there! 

If you know anyone else, who could be great for this special series, write to: [email protected] and let us know! 


Find out more about Found in Estonia podcast here:



Found in Estonia
Found in Estoniahttps://www.foundinestonia.ee
We talk with foreigners who have made Estonia their home. Inspire more open-mindedness by sharing interesting stories and observations that many foreigners with their fresh eyes can offer.

