#5 Interview with yoga teacher Lada Korol


Fifth amazing quest is Lada Korol.

Lada Korol was born in Moscow, USSR and emigrated to the USA with her mother and step father in 1989. Her mother, a college professor of Russian language and literature, kept her yoga practice a secret while living in Communist Russia and Lada grew up watching mom practice various asanas in the living room. Yoga was forbidden there at that time. Once in the US, Lada soon discovered yoga classes, as well as tai chi and became a joyful student of both modalities by 18 years old. She received her teacher trainer certificate 7 years ago has been teaching an invite-based yoga class at her partner’s martial arts studio since then. By day Lada is a graphic designer and by night she is a Reiki Master teacher, a light trance channel medium and ThetaHealing practitioner and has her own healing and divinely guided coaching practice in Eugene, Oregon. Her hobbies are reading esoteric literature, organic living and sharing her joyful outlook on life with her friends, family and clients.



Herbazen on jooga ja fütoteraapia sümbioos, kus põimuvad omavahel Eesti väetaimed, tervislik toitumine ja kehasõbralik liikumine. Selleks, et tuua joogaaustajaid lähemale meile kõigile, viime läbi viruaalseid vestlusringe Herbazeni FB lehel, mille keskmes on joogatreenerid ja -harrastajad. Jutustame nende iseenda leidmise teekonnast, elufilosoofiast ja mõttemaailmast. NB! Vestlus toimub Facebook live keskkonnas, mis hiljem audiona lisatakse siia. Vestlus on vahetu ja küsimustele keegi ette kodus ei vasta. Oleme päriselt, olgugi, et ekraani vahendusel 🙂

