[ENG] Kirk Haworth: How a personal journey can change cooking forever.


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Kirk Haworth is the founder of Plates which is a plant-based restaurant and food studio in London. He has years of experience in multiple Michelin star restaurants and is also the founder of Chef’s Wellness, a program that organizes events to help chefs with their mental and physical health. We talk about his journey with Lyme disease, how his approach to health has changed over the years and many things that every person can do to change their mental and physical health for the better.

Kirk Haworth on Londonis asuva taimepõhise restorani ja toidustuudio Plates asutaja. Tal on aastatepikkune kogemus mitmetes Michelini tärniga restoranides ning ta on ka Chef’s Wellness asutaja – programm, mis korraldab üritusi kokkadele nende vaimse ja füüsilise tervise aitamiseks. Räägime tema teekonnast puukborrelioosiga, kuidas tema lähenemine tervisele on aastatega muutunud ja paljudest asjadest, mida iga inimene saab teha oma vaimse ja füüsilise tervise paremaks muutmiseks.


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinnhttps://www.fotografiska.com/tallinn
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