Thomas Thomison: on a mission to shift humanity’s relationship with power


Today’s episode of the podcast “Leadership is the Competitive Advantage” is devoted again to self-managing organizations. This time I sat down with Thomas Thomison, a co-founder of HolacracyOne and, both companies devoted to shifting humanity’s relationship with power. I was intrigued to get to know Tom better and inquire about his journey, endeavors and convictions in the world of self-managing organizations.

“One of the major challenges in implementing Holacracy is unlearning. It is about getting rid of the habits of mind, the inertia and the momentum toward expecting certain behaviors in an organizational space. This is not a bolt-on or a bandaid; the fundamental governance and operational dynamics are very different. Leaders need to unlearn their traditional ways and learn new methods to lead not people, but their work. On the other side, those accustomed to following must learn to step into their own power and authority to lead their work. Both sides need to learn this new dance of leadership and followership in a self-organization system.” – Thomas Thomison

Listen and enjoy!


Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskoolitaja ja coach'i Veiko Valkiainen'i podcast “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” vastab küsimusele: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? Podcasti “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” algselt seatud küsimuseks, millele vestluste käigus vastuseid otsime, on: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? See võtmeküsimus on kogu juhtimispodcasti läbiv punane niit. Veiko missioon on toetada juhtidel ja meeskondadel saavutada soovitud eesmärke keskendudes tulemuslikkuse kasvatamisele läbi juhi ja tema tiimiliikmete mõtte- ja käitumismustrite muutmise. Podcast on koht, kus lisaks temale jagavad juhtimisteemadel oma mõtteid, teadmisi ja kogemusi Eesti erinevad tegevjuhid, tippsportlased, konsultandid-koolitajad ja teised juhtimisega lähedalt kokku puutuvad inimesed. Kuulake ikka!

