The power of transformational connection: A conversation with John Thompson


In this special episode of “Leadership is a Competitive Advantage,” we dive deep into the art of transformational connection and relational intelligence with my guest, John Thompson, co-founder of Transformational Connection. John’s work is rooted in helping individuals and teams foster self-awareness, presence and authentic relationships. As an Integral Master Coach and the originator of the 5 Principles of Surrendered Leadership, he has collaborated with leaders across AI, business, and collective intelligence to explore the intersection of personal growth and systemic impact.

Our conversation unpacks the potential of transformational practices to bridge the gap between structural frameworks like Holacracy and the human capacity to sense and process tensions. Together, we examine the cultural and psychological dimensions of connection, from overcoming barriers to presence and vulnerability to integrating these practices into everyday life. John shares his insights on personal maturity, self-leadership and the spiritual depths of relational work, illustrating how these practices can catalyze not only individual growth but also collective transformation. I found it a rich and inspiring discussion on what it means to connect deeply, lead authentically and create meaningful change.

I am grateful to Alar Ojastu for this opportunity to engage in a wide-ranging conversation with John, and I hope you will love it too! Listen and enjoy!


Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskoolitaja ja coach'i Veiko Valkiainen'i podcast “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” vastab küsimusele: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? Podcasti “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” algselt seatud küsimuseks, millele vestluste käigus vastuseid otsime, on: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? See võtmeküsimus on kogu juhtimispodcasti läbiv punane niit. Veiko missioon on toetada juhtidel ja meeskondadel saavutada soovitud eesmärke keskendudes tulemuslikkuse kasvatamisele läbi juhi ja tema tiimiliikmete mõtte- ja käitumismustrite muutmise. Podcast on koht, kus lisaks temale jagavad juhtimisteemadel oma mõtteid, teadmisi ja kogemusi Eesti erinevad tegevjuhid, tippsportlased, konsultandid-koolitajad ja teised juhtimisega lähedalt kokku puutuvad inimesed. Kuulake ikka!

