European Culture Capital 2024 – for whom and why?


Why to apply for European Capital of Culture? The 2024 Capital of Culture can again be from Estonia and interest in this title has been shown by Narva, Tartu, Pärnu and Kuressaare. What is the benefit for the local community of being a Culture Capital? What about artists and authors or culture managers? What is the impact of this title before and after the Capital of Culture year? How to involve the community and have good cooperation between authorities as well as at the grass-roots level? What is the impact of the title of the Culture Capital on the region’s and state’s image in the long term? The earlier experience of being a European Capital of Culture can be shared both by Estonia and the Nordic countries, and we will hear it in the debate.

Arutelu keel: Inglise
Arutelu juht: Laur Kaunissaare (Tallinn 2011 Program Coordinator, Theatre No99, Dramaturg, Estonia)
Osalejad: Suvi Innilä (Turu 2011 European Culture Capital Program Leader, Finland) Ib Christensen (Aarhus 2017, Head of Municipality Cultural Department, Denmark) Helen Sildna (Shiftworks, Narva 2024 initiative, Team Member, Estonia) Berk Vaher (Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture candidate city, Bidbook Editor, Estonia)
Korraldaja: Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia / Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu esindus Eestis

Arutelu leidis aset 11. augustil 2018 Paides.

Vabas õhus tehtud salvestusele lisavad värvi tuule puhumine, lehtede kahin ja vihma krabin. 🙂


Arvamusfestival toimub iga aasta augusti teisel nädalavahetusel Paides. Tegemist on ärksate ja aktiivsete inimeste kohtumispaiga ja mõttevahetuskohaga Eesti ühiskonnale ja inimestele olulistel teemadel. Festivali eesmärk on tuua kokku erinevaid vaatenurki ja ideid, et arutelude tulemusel sünniks uusi teadmisi, alguse saaksid uued ühiskonna jaoks kasulikud ettevõtmised ning areneks arutelukultuur Eestis.

