Evelyn Bencicova: The importance of seeing the bigger picture and of having curiosity to go deeper.


Evelyn Bencicova is a young visual artist who works across genres, using a variety of techniques and sees the photograph as a means of formulating creative content rather than an end in itself. Her exhibition Merror (error/mirror) at Fotografiska plays with a feeling of discomfort as well curiosity and as such attracts the viewer. 

Topics in this episode include Evelyn’s upbringing in a post socialist society and how she developed her interest in storytelling from early childhood. The artist also reveals the idea behind her exhibition Merror and explains in-depth the audio-visual piece “nine-sum sorcery” she created as part of an artistic collective Mi†ra. How last year influenced her work and life and what should be the takeaways.


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinnhttps://www.fotografiska.com/tallinn
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