TalTech Talk| Muhammed Mahtab Alam: consistency and resilience is the key to becoming PhD holder


TalTech Talk delves into the academic journey of Professor Muhammed Mahtab Alam, the acclaimed “Most muccessful PhD supervisor of the year” at the School of IT, and a tenured full professor at TalTech.

In this episode, Professor Alam shares insights from his illustrious career, discussing his background, his unique approach to mentoring, and the challenges he faces in supervising PhD students. We also explore the significant projects he has led that impacted both Estonia and the international community.

Listen in as Professor Alam reveals how his guidance has fostered the growth of his students and shaped future leaders. Discover what makes a successful doctoral candidate and hear about his experiences and the vibrant academic culture in Estonia.

More information about international programmes and admissions: taltech.ee/admissions


TalTech podcast
TalTech podcasthttps://www.taltech.ee
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