TalTech Talk| Aki Harima: Estonia is unique hub of entrepreneurship


TalTech Talk is diving into the inspiring world of Professor Aki Harima, Tenured Associate Professor and Head of the Entrepreneurship and International Business Unit at TalTech.

From her journey spanning Osaka, Germany, and now Estonia, Professor Harima shares how her rich cultural experiences have shaped her professional outlook.

This episode explores her expertise in transnational entrepreneurship, her vision for transforming entrepreneurial education at TalTech, and the unique challenges of cultural adaptation and work-life balance.

Professor Harima also discusses the empowering role of women in entrepreneurship and offers invaluable advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs.

Tune in for a blend of personal insights and professional guidance, all aimed at inspiring the next generation at TalTech.

More information about international programmes and admissions: taltech.ee/admissions


TalTech podcast
TalTech podcasthttps://www.taltech.ee
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