TalTech Podcast | Digital Health Master's Programme


The Digital Health Master’s curriculum trains change managers – people, who can develop, analyze and implement new digital solutions in the healthcare area. Their journey to, in, and after the Programme is discussed by two students – Bettina Maria Paunonen (1st year) and Isabel Paul (2nd year) – and an alumna Hedvig Soone, who works as a Project Manager of the E-medicine Center at the Department of Health Technologies at TalTech. The Podcast is hosted by Kerdu Lenear, TalTech Head of Marketing and a TalTech MBA student.

What in the Programme inspired our visitors to study e-health in TalTech?
Why is such a mixed curriculum an excellent stepping stone into a developing and changing career in health care?
How do Estonians manage to study in English?
Looking at yourselves, fellow students and alumni – who is the Programme a good match for?
Job opportunities for alumni – which are there and where are they located?
How technical are the studies, does one fix MRI machines all day?
Where else but in e-Estonia would it make sense to study anything and everything digital!

If you would also like to further your knowledge in digital change management in health care – please listen to the podcast, learn more about the Programme (taltech.ee/en/masters-programmes/digital-health) and apply (estonia.dreamapply.com/et_EE/courses/course/39-msc-digital-health)!


TalTech podcast
TalTech podcasthttps://www.taltech.ee
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