Joe O`Connor: 4-day work week in practice


This time our guest is Joe O’Connor, he is the Director and Co-founder of the world's first Center of Excellence in Work Time Reduction, a global partnership initiative with leading people-first transformation company Curium Solutions.

He led four-day week trials all over the world in his previous role as Chief Executive Officer of 4 Day Week Global, supporting hundreds of employers and thousands of employees to make the transition to reduced-hour, productivity-focused working in 2022. In this episode, we will cover:

– what has been global learning when implementing 4-day workweek

– what are the other reduced work time opportunities

– how practically implement 4-day work week in your company

– can all the companies implement 4-day workweek

– and much more.

This episode is brought by Work in Estonia. Work in Estonia is a government-funded initiative to support Estonia´s rapidly growing ICT and technology sector. Their area of expertise is talent attraction management- by introducing Estonia as a top choice for talented IT and engineering experts word wide, and locally supporting with talent retention and integration.


TalentHub Podcast
TalentHub Podcast
TalentHub Podcast on suunatud eelkõige neile, kelle igapäeva töö hõlmab inimestega tööd, ettevõtte ehitamist või selle juhtimist. Iga kahe nädala tagant kutsume enda saatesse külalise, et rääkida erinevatel praktilistel ja kaasaegsetel personalivaldkonna teemadel. Saate pikkus on umbes 45 minutit ja tavaliselt jaotub see kolme teemablokki - kõige pealt saame tuttavaks oma saatekülalisega, siis räägime konkreetsel HR teemal ning iga saade lõppeb kiire küsimus-vastus vooruga.

