Anan Cau: Trends and digitalization in modern HR


Today's episode is brought to you in collaboration with PARE, the Estonian HR association. As they gear up for their annual conference, they've recommended our guest for today's show. Anna Cau is set to be one of the keynote speakers at the PARE conference.

Anna Cau is the Chief People Officer at Telenor, one of Sweden's leading telecommunications companies. With a track record of leadership roles in known corporations like Ericsson and H&M, Anna has always championed equal opportunities for employees and initiated numerous digitalization activities.

The topic of the episode is to discuss the future trends of HR and the digitalization in the field.


TalentHub Podcast
TalentHub Podcast
TalentHub Podcast on suunatud eelkõige neile, kelle igapäeva töö hõlmab inimestega tööd, ettevõtte ehitamist või selle juhtimist. Iga kahe nädala tagant kutsume enda saatesse külalise, et rääkida erinevatel praktilistel ja kaasaegsetel personalivaldkonna teemadel. Saate pikkus on umbes 45 minutit ja tavaliselt jaotub see kolme teemablokki - kõige pealt saame tuttavaks oma saatekülalisega, siis räägime konkreetsel HR teemal ning iga saade lõppeb kiire küsimus-vastus vooruga.

