Marco Bogers: I thought there was something wrong with me


Here is yet another special episode of my podcast devoted to self-management. This time I sat down with Marco Bogers, a certified Holacracy, True Purpose and Getting Things Done coach who supports leaders and organizations on their self-management and self-organization journey. He says that he is on a mission to spark “the fire of purpose” in leaders and organizations who feel called to change the world. Marco is the author of “Getting Started with Holacracy: Upgrading Your Team’s Productivity”. Before becoming a coach, he held leadership positions with international technology companies such as Canon and France Telecom. In this podcast, Marco describes his own journey of personal growth and how this has affected his whole life. I enjoyed this conversation a lot and I hope you will love it as well! (Disclaimer regarding audio quality: the first 16 minutes of the recording have a rather poor audio quality with some buzzing, rasping-type noise, but I encourage you to bear with us as the content will make up the poor quality).

“As I was promoted to a manager position, I felt how difficult it was to actually manage a team. One of the things I tried to build was to create a structure for my team. And what I noticed was that as I began working on the structure, the resistance became bigger and bigger and bigger. And I couldn’t figure out what was the resistance about. This was an important experience for me. After having gone through a number of reorganizations I actually started to realize how ineffective that way of operating was. But I couldn’t name it at the time. Now I know, in Brian Robertson’s words, it’s called a management hierarchy. At the time, though, for me it was just a default way of working, which I was immersed in, and I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. I actually thought there was something wrong with me.”– Marco Bogers

Listen and enjoy!


Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskoolitaja ja coach'i Veiko Valkiainen'i podcast “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” vastab küsimusele: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? Podcasti “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” algselt seatud küsimuseks, millele vestluste käigus vastuseid otsime, on: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? See võtmeküsimus on kogu juhtimispodcasti läbiv punane niit. Veiko missioon on toetada juhtidel ja meeskondadel saavutada soovitud eesmärke keskendudes tulemuslikkuse kasvatamisele läbi juhi ja tema tiimiliikmete mõtte- ja käitumismustrite muutmise. Podcast on koht, kus lisaks temale jagavad juhtimisteemadel oma mõtteid, teadmisi ja kogemusi Eesti erinevad tegevjuhid, tippsportlased, konsultandid-koolitajad ja teised juhtimisega lähedalt kokku puutuvad inimesed. Kuulake ikka!

