Fotografiska Talks: Shepard Fairey and Christian Veske


Shepard Fairey is one of the most renowned and provocative street artists, with over 135 murals worldwide. He made his breakthrough during the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign with the portrait of Barack Obama and the explosive rise of the OBEY clothing brand. In November 2024 his art arrives at Fotografiska, bringing together earlier iconic works and new pieces created specifically for this exhibition, blending into a captivating visual experience in the exhibition 'Photo Synthesis’.

In this Episode you will hear how Shepard Fairey´s art art started to spread social messages and how he sees art’s ability to influence political movements and drive social change. An inspiring and thought-provoking discussion. Shepard Fairey is interviewed by Christian Veske, Gender Equality and Equal Treatment Commissioner of Estonia.
 Shepard Fairey´s exhibition "Photo Synthesis" is open at Fotografiska Tallinn from 2nd of November 2024  to 16th of March 2025.


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinn
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