[ENG] Helene Schmitz – Walkalong at the exhibition "Thinking Like a Mountain"


Podcast fetch class not defined. Helene Schmitz – Walkalong at the exhibition "Thinking Like a Mountain"’]

This episode is specially made to guide your experience at the exhibition. Helene Shmitz and Elo Aun will walk and talk directly to you as you can enjoy the beautiful photography. Internationally Helene is one of Sweden's most successful photographic artists. Like a poet of Natural sciences, she reaches straight into the viewer with her observations on passings and states in change. Her works, where each title has been carefully crafted with humour and poetry – and often with a language play – tackle humanity's brutal encroachment on nature. She does this in a way that moves us as much with its beauty as with its underlying threat. 


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinnhttps://www.fotografiska.com/tallinn
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