Working Life And New Generations


Working life is facing significant changes. The covid pandemic affected most the culture of working in white-collar jobs, but not all labourers had a chance for remote working. Some professions became even a health hazard. Among the most suffering groups were young workers who had to find new solutions. What lessons were learned from the pandemic concerning working life and how to promote equality among different professions while taking care of the youth? The focus of the discussion is on systemic changes in contemporary working life. Reflections will be made on the first large scale remote working during the corona pandemic. Should similar flexibility continue or not? How do we have to adapt? What is everyone´s role in this transition?

Arutelujuht: Christman Roos (Rud Pedersen Public Affairs Estonia, consultant)
Arutelus osalevad: Erik Mikkus (The Estonian National Youth Council), Johanna Vallistu (Foresight Centre, expert), Samuel Laurinkari (Head of Global Public Policy at Wolt, Finland)
Arutelu korraldaja: Rud Pedersen Public Affairs


Arvamusfestival toimub iga aasta augusti teisel nädalavahetusel Paides. Tegemist on ärksate ja aktiivsete inimeste kohtumispaiga ja mõttevahetuskohaga Eesti ühiskonnale ja inimestele olulistel teemadel. Festivali eesmärk on tuua kokku erinevaid vaatenurki ja ideid, et arutelude tulemusel sünniks uusi teadmisi, alguse saaksid uued ühiskonna jaoks kasulikud ettevõtmised ning areneks arutelukultuur Eestis.

