Mini-publics like citizen assemblies and citizen juries have been practiced in all corners of the world to combat the shortcomings of our democracies. Can these representative and deliberative processes encourage governments to take actions desperately needed for climate transitions? Introducing RETOOL, a new Horizon Europe project on climate democracy we invite you to a dynamic public discussion on the intersection of climate democracy and deliberative citizen engagement.
Arutelus osalejad: Precious Unegbu (PhD researcher, Ghent University), Teele Pehk (practitioner, DD Center for Democracy), Vitalii Tribelgorn (former participant of the Ida-Viru youth assembly in Estonia)
Arutelujuht: Dr. Alina Averchenkova (London School of Economics Distinguished Policy Fellow)
Arutelu korraldaja: DD sihtasutuse Demokraatiakeskus