The goal of the discussion is to talk about way in which health education could be looked at more holistically in formal and nonformal education. The young nowadays have more access to various sources of information, which makes it even more important to provide up to date correct information. Furthermore, it will also be about how the teachers feel the discussion could evolve and how they could be best supported in this. The discussion will direct the participants attention to a topic that is not often discussed in the public and makes people often uncomfortable for no reason. We are all human and it’s best we learn about ourselves in informed and secure way.
Arutelus osalejad: Ana Valdmann (UT Youth Academy director), Roderick Borg (Youth worker), Lisa Petitjean (Kissing Tartu project representative)
Arutelujuht: Trine Tamm
Arutelu korraldaja: Suudlev Tartu (Kissing Tartu)