Cross – Border Workers In The Nordic – Baltic Region – Possibilities And Challenges


Cross-border working and immigrants in work – how does the developing labour market look like in the Nordic-Baltic region? How will the cross-border working develop after Covid and what challenges are we seeing on both ends? Will there be a labour shortage and where does the new talent come from? What will be the potential problems and how to overcome them? How much should the neighbouring country support the mobility of the foreign workforce, and how much should the country’s own workers be protected?

Arutelujuht: Esa Suominen(Rud Pedersen Public Affais Finland, Partner & Chair of the Board)
Arutelus osalevad: Marina Kaljurand (Member of the European Parliament) Sten Andreas Ehrlich (Deputy Secretary General on Labour and Employment Policy), Reijo Paananen (Secretary-General of Nordic-IN)
Arutelu korraldaja: Rud Pedersen Public Affairs


Arvamusfestival toimub iga aasta augusti teisel nädalavahetusel Paides. Tegemist on ärksate ja aktiivsete inimeste kohtumispaiga ja mõttevahetuskohaga Eesti ühiskonnale ja inimestele olulistel teemadel. Festivali eesmärk on tuua kokku erinevaid vaatenurki ja ideid, et arutelude tulemusel sünniks uusi teadmisi, alguse saaksid uued ühiskonna jaoks kasulikud ettevõtmised ning areneks arutelukultuur Eestis.

