Arts As A Regional Survival Kit


The problem of communities located far from the centers in all three Southern Estonia, Northern Norway and Upper Austria Alps is marginalization and, with it, worsening poverty and loneliness. How can arts and do artist have the power to stop it? In order for life on the outskirts to function, a vibrant community must exist or emerge there. Ideally, there should be a balance between different age groups in the community, in other words, so that the community is not only formed by those who could not leave. This discussion aims to share initatives, practical examples on how arts or artists have helped to overcome marginalization and extinction of region and given new opportunities for people and especially youth.

Arutelus osalejad:
Arutelujuht: Aleksandr Fadeev (Tartu 2024)
Arutelu korraldaja: Tartu 2024


Arvamusfestival toimub iga aasta augusti teisel nädalavahetusel Paides. Tegemist on ärksate ja aktiivsete inimeste kohtumispaiga ja mõttevahetuskohaga Eesti ühiskonnale ja inimestele olulistel teemadel. Festivali eesmärk on tuua kokku erinevaid vaatenurki ja ideid, et arutelude tulemusel sünniks uusi teadmisi, alguse saaksid uued ühiskonna jaoks kasulikud ettevõtmised ning areneks arutelukultuur Eestis.

