A recent opinion poll shows that more than 90% of Estonians consider the cooperation with the Nordic countries important or very important. But are the Nordic countries still role models? Should the cooperation be modernized, and if so, then how? What could Estonia offer for future cooperation? Could this region get its voice better heard internationally if the cooperation with the Nordic countries would be even closer than it is today?
Arutelu keel: Inglise
Arutelu juht: Christer Haglund (Director, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia )
Osalejad: Kirsti Narinen (Ambassador, Finnish Embassy in Estonia) Taavi Rõivas (MP, Former Prime Minister of Estonia) Kai Klandorf (Executive Director, Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations)
Korraldaja: Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia (NORDEN)
Arutelu leidis aset 10. augustil 2018 Paides.
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