Security Operations Centres Are a Boon to Cybersecurity


With cyber threats growing in sophistication and scale, organisations must rethink their strategies to safeguard digital assets and operational continuity. Security Operations Centers (SOCs) stand at the forefront of this effort, acting as centralised hubs where cybersecurity professionals monitor, manage, and mitigate threats. 

The rise in cyber threats – estimated to have grown by 25% annually over the past half-decade – has amplified the importance of SOCs. In this podcast hosted by Merle Maigre, Head of Cybersecurity at e-Governance Academy, Margus Vaino and Martin Paas from Telia discuss the evolution, challenges, and opportunities surrounding SOCs – from the point of view of a major telecommunications player.  

Acknowledging the rising importance of SOCs is only the beginning: the increasing complexity of cyber threats, and the essential steps required to build and sustain effective cybersecurity infrastructures, are all part of the roadmap to effective cyber defence. 


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