Catherine Tanneau: the success boils down to how well people get along with each other


In this episode I had an absolute pleasure to host a world-renowned master coach (MCC) Catherine Tanneau. Catherine is specialized in executive coaching and organizational transformation with more than 12 000 hours (!) of coaching under the belt. Catherine is also a professor of leadership at HEC Paris (the #1 rated business school in Europe by Financial Times), and the founder / CEO of Activision-Coaching Institute (an ICF accredited training provider for leaders and coaches). Previously she has served as the chair of the ICF Global Board for Professional Coaches and the president of the ICF French chapter. In addition, Catherine has authored a few books, the most recent one being “Coaching for Leaders” (2021, in French). If you want to experience Catherine’s coaching firsthand, then you are very welcome to join Äripäev’s conference “Coahing 2023” taking place on the 1st of June. Listeners of my podcast can use promo code “VeikogaParemaks” to get 50€ off the already reduced conference tickets! Check it out here: Enjoy the conversation!

“I started my journey towards coaching profession some 20 plus years ago when I was in charge of identifying potential acquisitions to be bought by French multinationals. While doing that, I realized that at the end of the day it was not a matter of finance, it was not a matter of strategy – it was actually a matter of people. It was then that I understood that mergers will work only if the people get connected together, quite in a deep way. This was the first moment when I became aware that working with people is really something that is appealing for me. At the end of the day, besides having a good strategy, a good product or service, a good sales team, etcetera, the success boils down to how well the people get along with each other, talk and listen to each other, try to bridge the differences in cultures, and really create a shared community striving towards a common purpose. And then I said, this is what I want to do in the future. I don’t want to write powerpoint presentations, instead, I really want to support the people in organizations and help them to be successful.” – Catherine Tanneau

Listen and enjoy!


Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis
Juhtimiskoolitaja ja coach'i Veiko Valkiainen'i podcast “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” vastab küsimusele: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? Podcasti “Juhtimiskvaliteet on konkurentsieelis” algselt seatud küsimuseks, millele vestluste käigus vastuseid otsime, on: mida tähendab olla edukas juht? See võtmeküsimus on kogu juhtimispodcasti läbiv punane niit. Veiko missioon on toetada juhtidel ja meeskondadel saavutada soovitud eesmärke keskendudes tulemuslikkuse kasvatamisele läbi juhi ja tema tiimiliikmete mõtte- ja käitumismustrite muutmise. Podcast on koht, kus lisaks temale jagavad juhtimisteemadel oma mõtteid, teadmisi ja kogemusi Eesti erinevad tegevjuhid, tippsportlased, konsultandid-koolitajad ja teised juhtimisega lähedalt kokku puutuvad inimesed. Kuulake ikka!

