Fotografiska jutud: Julia SH "Embracing the Female Body"


Since 2012 Julia has been building a body of work that features subjects
depicted for their intrinsic value opposed to aesthetic appeal. She is
passionate about giving a platform to underrepresented body types and
subcultures across the spectrum of multiple identity coordinates — gender,
sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age and ability.

We talk with Julia about the human body and our strange relationship to it. How different cultures have very varied approaches to shame regarding nakedness and human touch and how Julia's moving from Sweden to UK and later US had a lasting impact on her self image that informs her work to this day.

Saade valmib koostöös Telia Inspira kanaliga.

Saatejuht ja toimetaja on Aleksander Eeri Laupmaa:


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinn
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