[ENG] Albert Franch Sunyer: Starting a zero waste restaurant.


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Every Friday and Saturday our restaurant holds NADA dinners, which focus on zero-waste principles in pursuit of excellent food. To bring this idea to life, our head chef Peeter Pihel invites great chefs from all around the world to cook with him and together offer inspiring and memorable culinary experiences. My guest today is one of those chefs –  Albert Franch Sunyer, the founder of Nolla, a zero-waste restaurant in Helsinki, we talk about how a warm-hearted boy from sunny Catalonia ended up opening a restaurant in the cold dark country of Finland, how the unnecessary waste we create in our homes and restaurants is making us sick and what we can do about it.


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinnhttps://www.fotografiska.com/tallinn
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