[ENG] Ignas Pavliukevičius: Overcoming the uncanny valley


Podcast fetch class not defined. Ignas Pavliukevičius: Overcoming the uncanny valley’]

Fotografiska’s guide and soon-to-be art historian Aleksander Metsamärt has a conversation with Lithuanian artist Ignas Pavliukevičius, the author of our latest exhibition Waterproof Heart. As the artist blurs the line between humans and AI, the discussion goes on an existential track, from questions about empathy and humanity to musings about what it’ll take for digital beings to become truly human-like? From the conversation the artist offers listeners an in-depth view into the Waterproof Heart,  the inspiration behind his piece and what happens when an AI comes face to face with its creator.


Fotografiska Tallinn
Fotografiska Tallinnhttps://www.fotografiska.com/tallinn
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