Diversity – a tool for sustainable success


Discussion is about the benefits of diversity for different types of organisations. Diverse workforce brings along open-mindedness and helps to grasp all potential business opportunities. It is fruitful on both management level as well as in the overall workforce. Several researches have proven that companies with more women in management positions are more profitable (IMF 2016). Research also indicates companies with more diverse workforces perform better financially (McKinsey & Company, 2018). Why diversity brings various benefits? Are Nordic and Baltic companies realizing this competitive edge?

Moderator: Annika Arras (CEO & Partner at Miltton New Nordics)
Participants: Piia Karhu, Senior Vice President, Customer experience, Finnair; Anu Realo (PhD), professor, Warwicki University (Great Britain) and University of Tartu; Kaire Tero, HR manager, Rimi Eesti Food AS; Jevgeni Ossinovski, Parliament of Estonia; Ahmed Abdirahman, Policy Expert at Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, Sweden (policy adviser, Stockholm Chamber of Commerce)
Organiser: Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogu esindus Eestis

Discussion took place on 9th of August 2019 in Paide. It was recorded outdoors where blowing wind and rustling rain add a little flavour.


Arvamusfestival toimub iga aasta augusti teisel nädalavahetusel Paides. Tegemist on ärksate ja aktiivsete inimeste kohtumispaiga ja mõttevahetuskohaga Eesti ühiskonnale ja inimestele olulistel teemadel. Festivali eesmärk on tuua kokku erinevaid vaatenurki ja ideid, et arutelude tulemusel sünniks uusi teadmisi, alguse saaksid uued ühiskonna jaoks kasulikud ettevõtmised ning areneks arutelukultuur Eestis.

