Lack of dialogue and close effective cooperation between national and local authorities, international actors, civil society, cultural and educational institutions in order to overcome the consequences of the full scale Russian aggression and consolidating the effort to bring Ukraine’s victory closer. To this end, we want to bring together leaders from charitable and public organisations, business, education, science, and government officials who want to join forces to create effective solutions to rebuild and develop a democratic Ukrainian society.
Arutelus osalejad: Dr Liliia Honcharevych (Chairman of the Carpathian Sea Democracy Week), Mr Eduard Odinets (Member of constitutional affairs committee), Ms Leila Rasima (Chairperson of the Human Rights and Public Affairs Committee), Mr Volodymyr Hordiienko (Head of the executive committee of the association “Innovative platform of community development”)
Arutelu korraldaja: Carpathian Sea Democracy Week